Deception Exposed
"Exposing False Claims Of The Supernatural"
Friday, September 20, 2019
Sunday, August 30, 2015
But I Saw Him Levitate

The reactions from the crowd ranged from awestruck to almost worshipful. None of the people approached by this enigmatic young man expected to see the miraculous that day. But there it was. Undeniable. No doubt most if not all of them had seen good magicians do great tricks. But this was no trick. No mere magician could do this. Right there in broad daylight, on a city street in front of everyone--no wires--he just rose from the ground.
If you were one of the millions of viewers who saw the TV special featuring magician David Blaine you may have had the same reaction. Watching this kid approach people on the street and do the seemingly miraculous was an unsettling experience for many. Instead of focusing on the magician this special made the onlookers the stars. Their facial and verbal responses to his minor miracles said it all: Maybe this guy isn't just a magician. Maybe he really does have supernatural powers. You could almost see in their faces the challenge to their belief systems that must have been playing out in their minds and hearts.
As a magician, I like to try to catch as many of the many televised magic shows as possible. Most are excellent stage productions. But this special was indeed special. Because this magician wasn't just entertaining people. He was forcibly challenging his audiences' perceptions of the very nature of reality.
Not long after the special aired several of my friends approach me to ask if I had seen the show. Some asked questions about whether there might be something supernatural--even demonic--about this guy. One friend stated emphatically, "But I saw him levitate!"
I've seen the same type of reaction from Christians who have watched David Copperfield do the impossible. One owner of a Christian bookstore once said to me, when she learned I was a magician, "Well, I know a lot of Copperfield's tricks are just tricks. But I can't help but think that some of it is supernatural."
Not long after the special aired several of my friends approach me to ask if I had seen the show. Some asked questions about whether there might be something supernatural--even demonic--about this guy. One friend stated emphatically, "But I saw him levitate!"
I've seen the same type of reaction from Christians who have watched David Copperfield do the impossible. One owner of a Christian bookstore once said to me, when she learned I was a magician, "Well, I know a lot of Copperfield's tricks are just tricks. But I can't help but think that some of it is supernatural."
Andre Kole, highly regarded worldwide by magicians as one of the top three inventors of magic illusions, is a consultant to David Copperfield. He's also an evangelist with Campus Crusade for Christ and has been sharing the Gospel with millions of people for over three decades. Over those thirty-plus years Kole has performed a show featuring many of his illusions during which he gives a clear presentation of God's plan of salvation. One of his most startling illusions is a levitation of himself. It's very convincing. So convincing, in fact, that some years ago a well-meaning woman in the audience stood and attempted to rebuke the demons out of Kole while he was suspended.
Another well-meaning, but misinformed Christian who publicly harassed Kole during a performance was the late Dr. Kurt Koch, regarded as an authority on the occult. He and his associates attempted to convince the illusionist to renounce his "Satanic powers" during a show in Germany. In his book Mind Games, Kole comments on the confrontation: "Here is a man that most of the Christian world looked to as being a leading authority on the occult, accusing me, a magician, of having supernatural powers. I was not able to convince him otherwise."
Kole makes this statement in his book, "The unexplained is usually nothing more than the unexamined." And, in fact, he has offered to examine anyone's claim of supernatural powers, offering $25,000 for such a demonstration. So far there have been no takers. James Randi, a magician and occult researcher, has offered one million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate supernatural powers under scientifically controlled conditions. After years this highly publicized offer has never been claimed. One would think that if, in fact, some humans possess supernatural powers at least one of them would want to demonstrate those powers and walk away rich.
There have been many reports of supernatural powers including levitations. A book, distributed by a well-known Christian publisher claimed that such a miraculous feat was witnessed by a missionary. But when a Christian researcher tracked down the missionary he stated that the story was overblown and that no such feat had taken place.
One of the most celebrated levitations in history was performed by spiritualist medium D.D. Home during a séance in 1868. He reportedly floated out of a third story window and back into another in front of three friends. But upon further investigation it was found that the details of the men's stories did not collaborate. And, as with most seances, the lights were dimmed bringing into question what the men were really able to see. In addition, it is claimed by some who have investigated Home that he was adept at suggestion and hypnotism. Yet, to this day, spiritualists point to this one event as evidence of human supernatural powers. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, in his book "The New Revelation," sites the Home incident as one of the convincing "proofs" that led him to embrace spiritualism.
So what about all of those people who saw David Blaine levitate within feet of on-lookers. Not to mention all of the other incredible little miracles he performed like reading people's minds? Well, as a magician, I can't reveal his tricks. But I can tell you that most if not all of the methods he utilized can be purchased at your local magic store or discovered in the shelves of your local library. What made them look so real was not the methods Blaine used, but his marvelous presentation. People believed that what they witnessed were real miracles because he presented them as real. He didn't approach those on the street and say, "Hi, I'm a magician. Want to see a cool trick?" He simply demonstrated some really strange things that he, apparently, didn't even understand himself. Combine Blaine's very convincing persona with the magic of video editing and you have the makings of a modern-day shaman.
Former occultist, John Anderson, who performed many apparent miracles in his role as the leader of a New Age cult, reveals in his book, Psychic Phenomena Unveiled:
Former occultist, John Anderson, who performed many apparent miracles in his role as the leader of a New Age cult, reveals in his book, Psychic Phenomena Unveiled:
In all the years of my involvement in the occult, I never was a witness to even one piece of true paranormal activity. I saw many things that I believed were of supernatural power, but all were later proven false. I have thoroughly researched the issue and collected letters and statements from many of the individuals involved. It is my conviction that Satan gets far too much credit and free publicity from thousands of sincere but misinformed people in God's Church. What is demonic is the power of suggestion that usually accompanies the performance, the lie that you can develop the "God Power" within. This type of deception leads people away from the Jesus Christ of the Bible, causing them to focus their attention on themselves.
Unfortunately, many Christians have consigned to Satan more power than God has given him despite the fact that there is no evidence in nature or in the Bible that he has ever given supernatural powers to humans.
When the astrologers in the Book of Daniel were challenged by King Nebuchadnezzar to read his mind or be put to death, even they responded, "There is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks." Even under penalty of death none of them were able to do the "real thing." What an opportunity for Satan to have demonstrated his powers by reading the king's mind and giving the information to the astrologers. But perhaps he didn't because he couldn't.
As recorded in the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh's court magicians were seemingly able to duplicate the miracles God performed. But did they really? Dan Korem, a world-class magician and investigative reporter, who also happens to be a Christian, in his book Powers, describes means by which the magicians could have counterfeited God's miracles on a smaller scale. Turning a rod into a snake, for instance, is easily accomplished by the same method modern day magicians turn a cane into a flower or handkerchief. I've seen the "cane to snake" performed by magicians Allan Rasco and Scott Wolf. Believe me, it's impressive. All of the other effects the Exodus magicians performed can be easily explained by a trained modern-day magician. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they did accomplish them with trickery. Could they have actually performed miracles?
As recorded in the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh's court magicians were seemingly able to duplicate the miracles God performed. But did they really? Dan Korem, a world-class magician and investigative reporter, who also happens to be a Christian, in his book Powers, describes means by which the magicians could have counterfeited God's miracles on a smaller scale. Turning a rod into a snake, for instance, is easily accomplished by the same method modern day magicians turn a cane into a flower or handkerchief. I've seen the "cane to snake" performed by magicians Allan Rasco and Scott Wolf. Believe me, it's impressive. All of the other effects the Exodus magicians performed can be easily explained by a trained modern-day magician. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they did accomplish them with trickery. Could they have actually performed miracles?
The Bible describes the activities of the Egyptian magicians by using the Hebrew word lahat, meaning "secret arts." There is nothing in the word or the text to suggest any supernatural powers. The magicians were seemingly able to turn inanimate objects (their canes) into a living beings (snakes). They had to have done it one of two ways; either by trickery or by supernatural powers. We've already seen that turning a cane into a snake is possible utilizing trickery. If, however, the magicians actually performed a miracle by literally turning something non-living into something living, then we have to accept the proposition that these magicians, or Satan through them, could create life. But God alone is the Creator, according to John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, and Revelation 4:11. Scripture is abundantly clear that He has never given Satan that power.
In the New Testament there are two magicians described. Both cases have been used by some to offer proof of supernatural powers ascribed to men. The first is Simon the Sorcerer. The Book of Acts chapter 8 tells us he amazed the citizens of Samaria who called him the "Great Power." He obviously had quite a reputation. The Greek word mageuo, used to describe what he performed, simply indicates that he practiced magic and does not suggest any supernatural powers. It appears from the text that Simon was just one very good magician who passed himself off as someone who had powers.
The other "sorcerer" was named Elymas. The account of his encounter with Barnabas and Paul is found in Acts chapter 13. The word rendered "sorcerer" is magos and only suggests that he was considered a "wise man" in the same sense as the magi or "wise men" who visited Jesus. Elymas is also called a pseudoprophetes--or false prophet. Again, not the real thing. Paul rebukes Elymas, accusing him of "deceit and trickery" but not suggesting any supernatural powers.
II Thessalonians 2:9-10 states that when the Anti-Christ comes on the scene his abilities will be "in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders...." Note that Satan's own right hand man of the end-times will only be able to perform "counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders," not the real thing. Even at this pivotal point in history Satan's tactic is deception, not miracles.
Is all of this to suggest that Satan has no powers? The Bible is quite clear that he does possess powers, but that they are greatly limited by God. We are told in Ephesians chapter 6 to "put on the whole armor of God" so that we won't fall into Satan's schemes. But nowhere in the Bible are we told that he has the ability to give humans supernatural powers.
Is all of this to suggest that Satan has no powers? The Bible is quite clear that he does possess powers, but that they are greatly limited by God. We are told in Ephesians chapter 6 to "put on the whole armor of God" so that we won't fall into Satan's schemes. But nowhere in the Bible are we told that he has the ability to give humans supernatural powers.
Why is this distinction important to Christians? Throughout Scripture and in our present time there have been many who have claimed to have supernatural powers. It is a deceptive seduction to think that we can share powers God reserves only for Himself. From the time of Eve humans have been taken in by Satan's lie that we can "be like God." New Age gurus hold out promises of supernatural powers, like levitation, to would-be gods. So-called Christian teachers, popularized on television, offer their followers the promise of performing the miracles of Jesus and becoming "little gods" by speaking the right words in faith.
One of Satan's greatest powers is the power to deceive--even Christians who should know better. By ascribing more power to Satan than God has given him we allow ourselves to be fooled into fearing him. If we believe that Satan can make people levitate and display all manner of supernatural manifestations then his power to intimidate us is greatly increased. We then unwittingly become more vulnerable to his schemes.
Jesus unmasked Satan when he said in John chapter 8, "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Satan is a much better liar than he is a miracle worker. If we are to, "Test everything. Hold on to the good," as we are admonished in II Thessalonians 5:21, we'd be well served to understand the truth about the limits of Satan's power in this world and the limitless power of the God we serve.
Jesus unmasked Satan when he said in John chapter 8, "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Satan is a much better liar than he is a miracle worker. If we are to, "Test everything. Hold on to the good," as we are admonished in II Thessalonians 5:21, we'd be well served to understand the truth about the limits of Satan's power in this world and the limitless power of the God we serve.
Copyright © 1999 Rod Robison
Rod Robison is a comedy magician residing in Tucson and serves as Vice President for Development with Family Life Communications.
Rod Robison is a comedy magician residing in Tucson and serves as Vice President for Development with Family Life Communications.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Monday, April 7, 2014
Communication With The Dead
Most of us have heard about John Edwards with his program "Crossing Over", Sylvia Brown, and James Van Praugh. Each of these people have claimed that they can communicate with the dead. The new breed of spiritualists-like Edward, James Van Praagh, and Sylvia Browne avoid the physical approach with its risks of exposure and possible criminal charges. Instead they opt for the comparatively safe “mental mediumship” which involves the purported use of psychic ability to obtain messages from the spirit realm.
This is not a new approach, since mediums have long done readings for their credulous clients. In the early days they exhibited the classic form of trance mediumship, as practiced by shamans and oracles, giving spoken spirit messages that ranged all the way from personal (and sometimes strikingly accurate) trivia to hours and long public trance lectures on subjects of the deepest philosophical and religious import.
Some mediums produced “automatic” or “trance” or “spirit” writing, which the entities supposedly dictated to the medium or produced by guiding his or her hand. Such writings could be in flowery language indeed, as in this excerpt from one spirit writing in my collection: In my program, I use two slates which are proven to be blank on both sides. Both slates are tied with a ribbon and a piece of chalk sandwiched in between the two slates. All this is done while the spectator is holding onto the slates. A little bit of acting in calling up the spirits to read the mind of the spectator and I untie the ribbon and written on the slates with chalk is whatever I want revealed about the spectator. Sounds amazing and I would love to tell you how it's done, but it's a secret.
Today’s spiritualism traces its roots to 1848 and the schoolgirl antics of the Fox sisters, Maggie and Katie. They seemed to communicate with the ghost of a murdered peddler by means of mysterious rapping sounds. Four decades later the fox sisters confessed how they had produced the noises by trickery, but meanwhile others discovered they too could be “mediums” (those who supposedly communicate with the dead).
The “spiritualism” craze spread across the United States, Europe, and beyond. In darkened séance rooms, lecture halls, and theaters, various “spirit” phenomena occurred. The Davenport Brothers conjured up spirit entities to play musical instruments while the two mediums were, apparently, securely tied in a special “spirit cabinet.” Unfortunately the Davenports were exposed many times, once by a local printer. He visited their spook show and volunteered as part of an audience committee to help secure the two mediums. He took that opportunity to secretly place some printer’s ink on the neck of a violin, and after the séance one of the duo had his shoulder smeared with the black substance.
Todays newest medium is Theresa Caputo an American television personality best known for portraying herself as a medium on the television show Long Island Medium. Caputo's claim of being a medium has been publicly challenged by multiple sources, ranging from print publications such as Wired Magazineto television news programs like Inside Edition. Caputo has been described by D. J. Grothe as a "charlatan"whose claims James Randi has stated are "not true.
Rebecca Kay Watson is an American blogger and podcast host. She is the founder of the Skepchick blog and also co-hosts The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe podcast. She also previously co-hosted the Little Atoms podcast. Watson founded Skepchick in 2005, describing it as "an organization dedicated to promoting skepticism and critical thinking among women around the world." Originally the site consisted of a forum and a monthly online magazine, Skepchick Magazine, which was launched January 15, 2006. Listen to what she has to say about Theresa Caputo.
Introduction To The Supernatural
The world is fascinated with UFO's, communication with the dead, ghost's and other phenomena that can't be explained. It is natural for our flesh to long for the supernatural. We go to magic shows because we want to fooled and see miracles happen right before our eyes and the more we can't figure it out the more real the trick seems. Because of that longing, we are easily deceived and fooled. When we watch people like John Edwards, Sylvia Brown, James Van Praagh and Theresa Caputo all claiming to talk to the dead, you see something that appears very real especially if you're not trained in cold reading techniques or in the art of deception than you can easily fall into a snare of believing such nonsense. Our gullible minds are mislead with our preconceived notions and than we begin to put satan, demons, and even ourselves on the throne rather than the God who created you and I. Matthew 24:11 tells us that many false prophets will arise and will mislead many and today we see just that. Jesus tells us not to be deceived and today we are just as stubborn as ever trying to think that we can tap into the ability to have the same attributes as God. We've seen it from the beginning of time from man wanting to be like God and we see it now.
I have been performing and studying the art of magic since 1981 and was highly involved in astral projection (The art of releasing your spirit from your body). Not once did it ever work, maybe I didn't have enough faith or tap into the power deep enough, personally, I think not only was I deceived but the whole thing is a joke. 1986 I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life and I started to look at all these false claims from a different perspective.
I have been performing and studying the art of magic since 1981 and was highly involved in astral projection (The art of releasing your spirit from your body). Not once did it ever work, maybe I didn't have enough faith or tap into the power deep enough, personally, I think not only was I deceived but the whole thing is a joke. 1986 I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life and I started to look at all these false claims from a different perspective.
World Renowned Illusionist 'Andre Kole' has stated, "As magicians we may not be preachers or evangelist, but there is one thing that we know a great deal about and that is the subject of magic." As a magician I can honestly tell you that any claim to the supernatural or any paranormal activity can't get past trained eyes without spotting the deceptions that are hidden within and without examination and an explanation.
I will be approaching these claims from the point of view of a magician as well as the Word of God. Because of my belief as a Christian I will not explain away these claims without first shedding light on the subject using Gods Word, the only one who's miracles can't be explained and I will be sharing articles and posts from several magicians who know that their art is not supernatural.
Welcome to "Deception Exposed" as we explore claims of the supernatural performed by magicians, psychics, gurus, and more.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Magic & Illusion "The Controversy"
As a Christian Illusionist, I tend to battle many times with many Christians when it comes to the use of my title "Magician", rather in their opinion I should be called an Illusionist. As true as this may seem, the title that we are billed,should have no conflict. Many Christians are afraid of the word "magic", because of the dark meaning it has and what it represents. God's Word talks about the Wise Men who went to see and present gifts to the Child Jesus. Remember what they were called in the Bible? They were called The Magi, which means more than one magician. They were magicians, astrologers if you will, these men studied the stars. In no way did God ever condemn them for their title magician, but rather He used them for a purpose and God got the glory. They were not called "The Illusionist's", but they were called in the Word of God, "The Magi". Can you imagine that at Christmas time while reading the story of Jesus' birth we say "and illusionists' from the east came." It sounds pretty ridiculous.
Daniel, a very well respected and honored man in the eyes of God, was considered the "Chief of Magicians", not the "Chief of Illusionist". I will say this, if Daniel were alive today, he would be my boss, as said in the words of my close friend Christian magician Allen Rasco
Many times we see the word "Magician" or "Magic" in the Bible, such as Simon or Bar Jesus (Elymus). They used the title Magician and they were not condemned for that usage rather they were condemned for what they were using their talent for, not the name, but the use of their art.
In my DVD, I am seen on the front cover wearing black attire, holding 2 torches lit on fire, the title below says Scott Wolf "Magic" Show, there is four cards that are fanned out with fire around them. Now to the Christian eye, this DVD appears to be real evil, depicting satanic worship, the fires of hell, cards which are considered to be the devils prayer book originated from the Tarot deck, and the word "Magic". Trust me folks, I have had some interesting conversations with very well respected and well meaning Christians about this. I can honestly say that the color that I am wearing should have no reflection of who I am in Christ. The torches that I am holding tells the public that this is my signature act, the fire and the cards have two meanings that depict the usage of pyrotechnics which I love to use in my show, I do a couple of "tricks" using cards mostly involving comedy.
The word "Magic" used in my title, well let's face it, I know what the title means and I am not afraid of that word. That word is used so much in various things and in our speech as well. "The Magical World of Disney", "It's The Most Magical Time of the Year", Magic Johnson, Orlando Magic, etc... So what is the problem people? When I am on stage, I am simply an actor playing the part of a "magician."
If I need to be corrected then please correct me on what I say in presenting the Gospel and the usage of my theology, not for what I wear, my title, or the graphic art I use on my DVD. If this is what we are worried about people and nit picking at music and TV, and piercings and hair styles rather than paying close attention and helping each other fight the good fight and presenting Christ to people, then we are in trouble.
God will never condemn what we look like, the usage of our title or so on. Rather He is more concerned of how we use what He has given us already. God has given me this amazing tool of "Magic", "Illusion", Tricks", name it what you will, God is more concerned of how I use my talent in presenting the Gospel to a lost world so that in return God gets all the glory, not me!
I love God with all my heart, and I will always use my talent to present an amazing message, and that is the message of love, not condemnation, but of hope and purpose. I have always made it very clear in my presentations that everything you see me do is simply just a trick. In no way do I possess any supernatural powers and in no way am I in league with demons. Andre Kole states "That any eight year old child can do the things that we do as magicians...
with fifteen years of practice of course."
I entered this responsibility, knowing that it will have some controversy, but so will presenting the Gospel.
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